Use their personal loans marketplace to get a loan quotation for your client's debt consolidation. Find out the best loan amount, rate and terms available to your client in three easy online steps.
Single form, multiple personalized loan offers, loans up to $100K for your clients.
Join the SuperMoney Partner Program today!.

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SuperMoney Monetize Loan Portal
SuperMoney is a financial services comparison platform that allows US consumers to make smarter financial decisions. We offer 50+ financial verticals for users to compare products side-by-side. Several of our verticals allow consumers to fill out one application with SuperMoney and get back multiple pre-qualified loan offers from leading online lenders in real-time with only a soft pull on their credit.
Compare Multiple Loan Offers
We've created a loan portal that allows our debt relief partners to easily pre-pop the application information that they've already collected over to SuperMoney's portal and hand-off that application to the client for them to review and get their real-time results. Our portal allows the call center rep to view these offers as well. In the case where the consumer is not approved or gets offers back that are not attractive, the call center rep can use this opportunity to easily pivot back to the debt relief offer they were originally pitching to the consumer.
No Fee Loan Portal
Not only is there no fee for our portal, but SuperMoney receives a commission for any funded loans generated through our platform and will pay our partners (you) a 25% revshare of those commissions. With SuperMoney, your client can transparently compare their consolidation loan options and choose the best one for them without any pressure, or choose your Debt Settlement option.
Monetize Low Debt Leads That Don’t Meet Program Requirements
For clients with debts that do not meet your minimums, offer a debt consolidation loan to help reduce their rates and simplify their repayment plan.
Monetize Auto and Student Debt Leads
Monetize all the leads specifically looking to address auto debt and student refinance
Added Value For Your Debt Relief Service
Add incremental customer value to your program and revenue to business by refinancing any secured auto or student loan debt of clients after enrollment (before credit is impacted).